Conversation Between Sly and Chaos

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Pssssh, I already sent mine. Sent it in English, wondering if I should send one in a different language however ;3
    I have a small glimmer of hope about her being unfrozen though *-* Come on TNT, just do eeet. UNFREEZE ZE WORLD
  2. Heavens_rim had the same reason as us, and got uniced within one hour. Which means, send a ticket. Send one NOW. o:
  3. I had 3 pretty high ucs on my accs ;s so i'm a bit ticked. Maybe it's time to quit anyways. Unless tnt, you want to be a dear and GIVE OUR ACCOUNTS BACK YA DOUCHBAGS :p
  4. Yeah. A starter main and a UC mutant. Not much, but something. I just feel so bad for losing four of my pets. Not even UCs or anything but I miss em. Ive spent 35$ on mine but I dont even care about the money |D
  5. Well at least you have that. Good fucking thing I've never spent over 30$ on my accounts or i'd be so upset.
  6. My sis gave me her main, a starter one. If I even restart it would be on that account, but I feel so shitty, ew. I lost a few accounts, and only one of them was not 100% legit. Fuck TNT, seriously.
  7. Ya, I have shit left. No accounts at all except a crappy side. *sadbrohug*
  8. I feel shitty for the both of us. D: I have an UC left but its even just barely, omg.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8