Conversation Between RicoBandito and DarkSkies

10 Visitor Messages

  1. I apologize for the late reply! Life has been busy on my end here. I’ve been in the process of changing jobs, and that has been a lot of work, but I finally heard back that I got the job! I begin at the end of this month! Happy May to you! It feels like just yesterday it was beginning of April. I hope work has been good for you! Big exciting things on the horizon for you this month?
  2. Hello Bandito amigo! What you've been up to? Im feeling better after my vacations and work has been calm lately, less stress here. I can't believe we're on the fourth month of this year, time is flying
  3. A beach visit? I am jealous! I hope you have/had fun! The ocean is so fascinating but yet so scary to me at the same time.
  4. Well I do have a beach visit planned which I'm looking forward to! And also eating a bunch of seafood too Btw I had to google the corned beef and cabbage, looks delicious!
  5. March is here! Don’t you worry though, even though my avatar is changed, I am still the animal loving user you know I think we have family visiting over the holiday, so that will be fun. I’ve been waiting on corned beef and cabbage for months though, so you best believe I’m going to be eating a whole bunch. Are you a fan? Do you have plans yourself?
  6. Oh they should appreciate us for sure! Yes I saw you were all green already what a nice change! I was surprised by the cat avatar, you know my love for dogs feels betrayed Are you planning to do sth special for Saint Patrick day? I wouldn't mind some jelly shots now that I think about it lol
  7. I hope that your job appreciates you! I work a lot too, it helps to be appreciated! Let the countdown begin! I am good, thank you for asking! Just gearing up for March. I don’t really know why but I am one of those people who make the whole month about a holiday or color scheme? I like to think it isn’t odd March madness for basketball? Nah. Shamrocks all the way
  8. Aww thanks Rico, besides working as a slave on weekends too I'm doing fine lol My schedule is almost back to normal in one more week luckily. How are your doing? :3
  9. <3 hope you’re doing well!
  10. Happy Valentine Rico! It's amazing all the cute vibes coming from ck :3 Do you also feel this need to go buying pastries or sweets? Maybe it's just me wanting to eat sugar lol By the way I've never asked but do you speak spanish?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10